World of Warcraft
Realm Population
Most populated European  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Korean  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated USA  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Taiwanese  Alliance and  Horde Realms


United States, Normal, Oceanic, Australia/Melbourne.

Other connected realms: Nagrand Saurfang 
Last updated 28.01.2025
Realms active characters
Alliance 2 447
Horde 1 428
Overall 3 875
  Combined active characters
from connected realms*
Alliance 5 553
Horde 4 151
Overall 9 704
* Nagrand Saurfang 
Realms most active guilds
Only guilds that have active members (2 week period) are shown.
  Guild Active members Side Realm Founded
1. Gathering Storm 216 Alliance Caelestrasz 12.07.2020
2. Tranquillity 176 Horde Caelestrasz 19.04.2018
3. Cult of the Void 158 Alliance Nagrand 28.03.2018
4. Thorns of Gold 142 Alliance Caelestrasz 24.11.2004
5. None the Wiser 140 Horde Saurfang 28.12.2008
6. SHAOLIN MONKS 138 Alliance Saurfang 16.09.2011
7. Eternal Wolves 133 Horde Saurfang 07.02.2013
8. Syndicate of the Chosen 132 Horde Nagrand 23.06.2020
9. Obsidian Knights 130 Alliance Saurfang 02.10.2009
10. Care Factor Zero 126 Alliance Saurfang 27.08.2020
11. Flames of The Phoenix 111 Alliance Saurfang 04.05.2014
12. Frostwolves 108 Horde Saurfang 29.06.2008
13. Massive Hordeon 101 Horde Saurfang 20.04.2020
14. Dalaran University 100 Alliance Caelestrasz 13.03.2014
15. ALAMAK 100 Horde Nagrand 03.11.2007
16. Affinity 100 Alliance Caelestrasz 30.09.2006
17. Cryptic 97 Alliance Saurfang 16.03.2011
18. Perth Guild 92 Alliance Saurfang 07.01.2015
19. Flavour Town 91 Horde Saurfang 31.12.2017
20. Under The Southern Cross 85 Alliance Saurfang 08.09.2012
21. Wraith 85 Alliance Saurfang 14.03.2018
22. Rough Around The Edge 82 Alliance Caelestrasz 17.11.2016
23. Lost n Found 82 Horde Caelestrasz 05.11.2019
24. Dragon Millennium 69 Alliance Caelestrasz 14.12.2008
25. Innuendo 67 Alliance Saurfang 22.11.2016
26. Naked Twister 66 Alliance Nagrand 01.04.2009
27. Cult of Sunflower 66 Horde Saurfang 29.07.2017
28. Batibot 64 Alliance Saurfang 19.11.2008
29. The Revengers 63 Horde Nagrand 22.05.2020
30. Demonic Kittens 62 Horde Nagrand 10.01.2018
31. The Devils Advocate 59 Horde Caelestrasz 28.03.2019
32. Battlescars 59 Horde Caelestrasz 29.06.2009
33. No Respect 57 Alliance Saurfang 30.10.2007
34. DeathWatchers 57 Alliance Saurfang 25.11.2009
35. Burn 55 Alliance Caelestrasz 26.05.2009
36. Influx 53 Alliance Nagrand 28.03.2019
37. Thralls Chosen 52 Horde Saurfang 10.02.2010
38. confusion 51 Horde Caelestrasz 01.11.2010
39. Clean Bill of Elf 49 Alliance Caelestrasz 22.05.2020
40. Les couzs à Bwonsamdi 49 Horde Saurfang 22.04.2018
41. Kelmia 48 Horde Caelestrasz 17.02.2008
42. Sanguine 47 Horde Nagrand 12.07.2020
43. Mulgore Country Club 47 Horde Saurfang 03.10.2014
44. Sacred Crusade 46 Alliance Nagrand 23.01.2015
45. Phalanx 46 Alliance Saurfang 18.11.2008
46. Razors Edge 46 Alliance Saurfang 19.11.2008
47. Unsalted 45 Alliance Caelestrasz 11.05.2013
48. Fate Less 44 Alliance Nagrand 20.01.2017
49. Immaterial 44 Alliance Saurfang 13.03.2015
50. Nano Boost 42 Horde Saurfang 21.06.2020
51. Murder Hobos 42 Horde Caelestrasz 04.10.2020
52. Bobtail Invasion 41 Horde Saurfang 10.06.2018
53. Guardians of Serenity 38 Alliance Nagrand 11.04.2017
54. Life of Warcraft 38 Horde Saurfang 04.11.2014
55. Standard Nerds 37 Alliance Nagrand 01.11.2010
56. Chataclysm 37 Alliance Nagrand 07.11.2010
57. Ellerian Guard 37 Alliance Caelestrasz 09.06.2009
58. Empyrean 36 Alliance Caelestrasz 08.08.2018
59. RUINOUS 36 Alliance Nagrand 25.02.2020
60. Vindicta 35 Horde Caelestrasz 27.05.2009
61. Rizing Phoenix 35 Alliance Nagrand 15.10.2017
62. The Southern Cross 33 Alliance Caelestrasz 15.05.2005
63. Seraphim 33 Alliance Caelestrasz 29.09.2009
64. Twisted Destiny 32 Horde Caelestrasz 13.11.2009
65. Praetorian Guard 31 Alliance Caelestrasz 11.09.2010
66. RISE 31 Alliance Nagrand 13.01.2009
67. Magnanimous 30 Horde Nagrand 02.11.2018
68. Odyssey 30 Horde Nagrand 02.11.2008
69. Homewreckers 30 Horde Nagrand 15.04.2021
70. Vaguely Hostile 29 Alliance Nagrand 23.06.2010
71. The Dark Kingdom 29 Horde Nagrand 20.06.2014
72. Twenty Four Letters Long 28 Horde Nagrand 16.09.2010
73. Vegemite Knights 28 Alliance Nagrand 01.08.2020
74. Set Sail For Fail 27 Alliance Nagrand 19.08.2008
75. Inept 27 Alliance Nagrand 13.03.2020
76. Quiet Confidence 26 Alliance Nagrand 23.06.2011
77. Purple Angels 25 Alliance Caelestrasz 03.02.2013
78. Knights That Say Mrgl 24 Horde Saurfang 14.11.2016
79. Precision 23 Alliance Caelestrasz 14.12.2017
80. Code of Honor 23 Horde Nagrand 13.09.2015
81. Ghëtto Smürfs 23 Alliance Nagrand 16.04.2008
82. Alliance United 23 Alliance Caelestrasz 18.09.2008
83. Takdir Memang Kejam 22 Horde Saurfang 06.11.2017
84. Crazy Fun Critters 21 Alliance Caelestrasz 14.08.2020
85. Knights of Chatalot 21 Alliance Saurfang 02.09.2012
86. Sago 21 Alliance Saurfang 27.08.2015
87. JJA 21 Alliance Caelestrasz 16.05.2017
88. Cash Money 20 Horde Nagrand 17.10.2007
89. Disenfranchised 20 Horde Nagrand 15.06.2019
90. Siamensis 20 Alliance Nagrand 06.09.2019
91. Knights of Elune 20 Alliance Caelestrasz 10.07.2012
92. The Family 20 Alliance Caelestrasz 02.12.2009
93. The Fall 20 Horde Saurfang 13.08.2016
94. Noctem 20 Horde Saurfang 05.07.2010
95. Bwonsamdis Heroes 20 Horde Caelestrasz 30.01.2021


Most populated server for EU is Silvermoon with 1 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 27 498 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Korea is 줄진 with 0 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Taiwan is 老馬布蘭契 with 0 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.

Population is calculated based on actively playing characters, instead of total number of characters found on server.

Wow Realm Population is for players who are looking for most active and populated Alliance or Horde realm and guild.

- Active character: Character has logged in within 30 days.
- All data is gathered from API usign guilds and characters info.
- Characters under level 10 are not counted.
- EU and USA frontpage recommendations emphasizes english speaking realms, for specific language realms check the realms lists.

*Guilds Participation
Total number of characters from the same guild were present (2 or more) in raid or dungeon each time the boss dies.

**Guilds Boss Kills
Number of bosses killed in raids or dungeons when 2 or more from the same guild where present.

These numbers are to distinguish guilds that have members who participate together in raids and dungeons more often that other guilds.

WowRealmPopulation statistics
EU characters in database: 699 678 of which 1 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
EU guilds in database: 3 342 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

US characters in database: 745 703 of which 0 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
US guilds in database: 10 273 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Korean characters in database: 1 396 323 of which 0 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Korean guilds in database: 311 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Taiwanese characters in database: 2 067 406 of which 0 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Taiwanese guilds in database: 219 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

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